‘Pavement Pods’ is a testimony to our childhood curiosity of finding fallen treasures at our feet - a project aiming to rekindle the wonder we once witnessed on the street whilst picking up seeds fallen from the changing trees. We stuffed our pockets with shiny conkers, acorns and paper helicopters like magpies and hoarded our found treasures with the utmost pride. I liked this idea that we were rescuing seeds that would otherwise rot and decay in the wind and rain, with not much hope of germinating. However somewhere along the way of growing up most of us lose sight not only of the wonder in the pavement pods, but fundamentally the nature we pass at our feet every day, largely carrying on as passers-by.
Ultimately, I am talking about “Urban R(E)volution”, as Shepard Fairey puts it. Creatively making more space for nature, art instead of war, space for inspiration, to tuck distractions away and notice ones surroundings again. Curious about what nature we pass on the street - be it weeds or seeds, or noticing a lack of nature we desperately need. So these images act as capsules of hope, to grab attention and just re-spark the childhood curiosity about what is at our feet.